1. What is your qualification?
I have a BSc in Dietetics through the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg. More recently, I specialized in “Sports Nutrition” through the International Olympic Committee.
2. What other working experience do you have
I worked as a clinical dietitian at Helen Joseph hospital for a year after qualifying. After that, I went to the United Kingdom, where I was a locum dietitian at different hospitals, gaining exposure in many different areas of dietetics. Before returning to South Africa, I took a break from dietetics for a year of working travel in the East. I have since been working in private practice, starting at a Sports Medical Centres
3. Why sports nutrition?
Sport has always been a large part of my life, it started early from spending weekends watching my dad play cricket in my pram; to running up Inchanga in the Comrades marathon. It made sense to mesh my career with my hobby. I really enjoy working with sportsmen as the effects of good nutrition during exercise are easily recognized which is very rewarding.
4. What sport do you do, besides running up Inchanga?
Running is my main form of exercise at the moment. I have always enjoyed running and started running marathons and ultra’s two years ago. I used to do triathlon but hung up my bike after it fell to pieces during a half iron man. I also play golf socially.
5. What does your work involve?
At the practice, I do individual consultations and eating plans to a large variety of people for:
• Weight loss,
• Healthy eating,
• Pregnancy,
• Disease prevention or treatment (such as diabetes, high cholesterol, aneamia, gastrointestinal problems etc)
• Sporting performance (this may include anyone school children to professional sportspersons involved in dancing, triathlon, rugby, MMA, cyclists, wheelchair basketball to recreational gym or walking)
. I also present and lecture to a number of different groups or at conferences.
• I enjoy writing articles for clinical journals, magazines, news papers, websites etc. and developing nutritional content for different corporate projects as it helps to keep me up to date with the latest trends in nutrition. I have also had some great opportunities to speak on radio and appear on TV for nutrition awareness.
6. What makes dietetics a valuable profession?
Dietetics aims for optimal health and disease prevention for an improved quality of life and is not only about weight loss and ‘looking good’ (which is the general public’s opinion). Dietetics is extremely valuable as it is (or should be) based on sound medical and scientific evidence that continuously updated.
7. What do you enjoy most about your work?
I am extremely fortunate to be working with really good friends of mine. My job also allows me to come into contact with so many different people; people that interest me, inspire me, challenge me, amaze me and broaden my horizons.
8. Provide three nutrition tips for healthier living.
- Eat fresh food….stay away from canteen meals, tuck shops, ready-made meals, take-away joints etc.
- Be moderate, most people think that “healthy” means implementing extreme changes that deprive you of all that you desire.
- Good nutrition, like anything of value requires effort and cannot be found in a magic pill or potion.